Today's Schedule




General Exhibition

The General Exhibition Hall presents a wide variety of exhibitions on Kyoto’s history, arts and crafts from various perspectives. The 2nd floor Exhibition Hall introduces the appeal of “Honmamon (literary, ‘the real thing’)” such as masterpieces associated with Kyoto through versatile special exhibitions. The floor also features an educational section where visitors can learn about the history of the city from the Heian period (8th to 12th century) to the Meiji/Taisho period (late 19th to early 20th century) by experiencing the daily lives of Kyoto people and what the city looked like then through impressive large video displays. The 3rd floor Exhibition Hall holds large-scale special exhibitions focusing on the historical and cultural aspects of Kyoto.


Exhibition of Gion Festival

An exhibition to introduce the history and culture of the Yamahoko Junko (Yamahoko Procession), the most popular event during the Gion Festival that adorns the summer in Kyoto, through documentary records and decorative materials.

2024.6.5(Wed) 〜 8.4(Sun)


Kuni Imperial Palace: One of the Capitals of Japan in the Nara Period
- from the latest excavation results

There are three ancient capital cities in Kyoto Prefecture: Heian-kyo, Nagaoka-kyo, and Kuni-kyo. Kuni-kyo was the Imperial capital during the reign of Emperor Shomu and is also known as the place where Konden Einen Shizai-ho (the law permitting permanent ownership of newly cultivated land) was promulgated. The exhibition presents the latest findings, mainly excavated objects.

2024.6.8(Sat) 〜 7.28(Sun)



Kyoto―The Residence of Ashikaga Shoguns

Although the most famous residence of the Ashikaga shoguns is Hana no Gosho, located in Kamigyo Ward, there is another shogun residence located in the neighborhood of the Museum of Kyoto.
This exhibition traces the history of the shogun residences located in Kyoto.

2024.8.3(Sat) 〜 9.23(Mon)


Fukui Isamu ‒ Ambiguous Contour

Fukui Isamu (1908-1988) was a painter who continued his artistic activity based in Kameoka City, Kyoto. The exhibition presents the gentle and rich world of Fukui, who painted familiar motifs and landscapes with great care.

2024.8.3(Sat) 〜 9.23(Mon)
